
The Big Christmas Session

Sa 16. 12. 2023
Normal price € 15,– / Reduced € 11,–

Die traditionsreiche Weihnachtssession zum Jahresabschluss der Schmiede ist schon längst Kult und wird auch in der diesjährigen Ausgabe sicher wieder eine Reihe von spannenden Überraschungen präsentieren. Stammgäste und Freunde der Jazz-Schmiede treffen sich an diesem Abend zu einem Ausklang des Jahres.

Partially seated concert - Free choice of seats applies.

We are a jazz club, please note that only a limited number of seats are available. More tickets are sold - especially for highlight concerts - than seats can be offered. Tickets entitle to admission and are also valid for standing room. There is no entitlement to a seat. It is advised to arrive early to reserve the seat of your choice.

News about the event

  • The Big Christmas Session
    Sa 16. 12. 2023

    It's a wrap, thanks to everyone who joined our Christmas session: all the guests in the sold-out Schmiede and all the musicians of the evening:
    Nico Brandenburg (b), Peter Weiss (dr), Carlotta Ribbe (vib), Anna Karina Barthel (voc), Jörg Kaufmann (ts), Rainer Maassen (trb), Tom Lorenz (vib), Genevieve O’Driscoll (b), Michi Knippschild (dr), Axel Fischbacher (git), Philipp van Endert ( git), André Nendza (b), Christian Schröder (dr), Philip Wisser (git), Vincent Pinn (trp), Denis Gaebel (ts), Mathias Haus (vib), Sebastian Gahler (p), Inga Lühning (voc), Simon Busch (dr)