States of Play: METEORS
(trb / Australien), (sax, reeds), (p, synth / Austria), (keys, synth), (b, comp), (dr / Schweiz), (klangregie, efx) …
Message to Outer Space
Meteors, the compact spin-off of the award-winning ensemble States Of Play (German Jazz Award 2022 - Production of the Year), brings together the 'crème de la crème' of the current jazz scene to form a unique sextet.
Orchestral worlds, interstellar grooves and galactic melodies - bundled into a cinematic sound event. On its album release tour '23, the international sextet from Cologne creates an incredibly multi-layered and iridescent music that is constantly evolving in an organic flow ... An exploding variety - sophisticated and appealing.
Jam Session - Lyrical Jazz Project
The Big Christmas Session