
Peter Baumgärtner 'My Choice'

Fr 01. 12. 2023
Normal price € 14,– / Reduced € 10,–

For a long time, Peter Baumgärtner had harboured the dream of recording his favourite standards in a studio of his choice. This was finally realised in the summer of 2021 at the legendary MPS Studio in Villingen in the Black Forest. It was easy to inspire two exquisite partners for this endeavour. Inspired by the historic jazz atmosphere of the studio, where numerous jazz greats of the 70s and 80s recorded alongside Oscar Peterson, the Baumgärtner-Rückert-Gjakonovski trio presents a fine programme under the motto: Spontaneity, openness and creativity - just standards today!

Baumgärtner hardly needs any introduction. In addition to his numerous appearances with his own band, he celebrated his 27th Hildener Jazztage festival this year. The press wrote about Thomas Rückert: "He is a true master of subtlety, a pianist who doesn't need to show off, not his aesthetics, not his sense of romance and melancholy and not his fragile dabbing of notes. Thomas Rückert is a master of his craft". Martin Gjakonovski was a permanent member of German jazz legend Paul Kuhn's trio for seven years and is one of the most sought-after bassists in Germany.